Saturday 6 November 2010

News and Magazine production Week Five

This week I handed my feature piece in. I am glad to report that I was actually ahead of schedule. My piece was accepted and praised although I was asked to make a few changes. It also is being let down by the lack of more than one original source but, I am confident I can gather some more quotes before the deadline. I was advised to move one section of the text to a higher [position in the document to allow for better flow and I have done so, as well as streamlining the opening section. I’ve since abandoned my “first person” perspective that led into the article.

In this week’s learning session we worked on Adobe In design which didn’t go very well since all the machines had problems, however we did pick up some good tips from the board.

Some In Design essential steps.

· On opening the page make sure “facing pages” is ticked.

· Make sure you allow the correct page size

· Number of columns

· Open ‘More options’ To size up the margins and to allow a bleed area which will be essential when we come to print.

· ‘Space CTRL’ Allows ‘zoom’ on page

· Open window pages (F12) where you can view your master pages

· You can now draw a text box.

· Three types of copy (TBD) Body copy/Captions/Headline – In a magazine, set the character styles to AUTO FORMAT, for example Ariel 10pt

· Be aware of the bleed when adding images

· Textures available from CG Textures

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